Thursday, March 15, 2012

Filed my taxes today. Whew!


Unknown said...

Haha, that’s an awesome picture to celebrate the occasion with! Isn’t it just a huge relief to finally get your taxes done and then filed? Personally, I have a tax service to do my taxes for me. It saves me a lot of time and stress. I do make sure it’s all done in time, of course!

Kathy Gregory

Unknown said...

Those file of papers looks grounded on the floor! Filing a tax return can be tiring and frustrating, most especially if there's a lot of people that filed a tax the very same day like you do. Anyway, it's a good thing you make it out alive and kicking with no troubles or issue within your tax. :-)

- Lauren Padilla

Unknown said...

Lots of paperwork? HAHA! How’s your day when you filed your tax? Last month, I filed my taxes and it was quite tiring for there were so many people that day. I was exhausted because of the hot sunny day, plus the process of filing the tax was so tedious.
- Winston Sutton